Fiesta WRC for Daragh O’Riordan?

With rumours circulating that Daragh O’Riordan has purchased a Ford Fiesta WRC, decided to contact the Cork man to find out if there was any truth behind the stories…
“I haven’t bought anything yet,” Daragh said. “I have been to look at a Fiesta WRC and I drove it but nothing has been bought. Until I have a car, I don’t have one, if you know what I mean. It could change yet.”
“To be honest, I don’t even know what rallies I’m going to do this year,” he added. “I haven’t even renewed my licence yet!”
“I hoped to have a car for West Cork but it’s not looking likely now. I had a bit of time to look around at the start of the year but work is getting busy again. I want to get another car and will be getting something but nothing is set in stone.”
Looks like we’ll have to wait a bit longer before we find out what Daragh intends to drive in 2013…